Caring, Learning, Believing, Achieving

All referrals can be made directly via the digital referral form on the Familyworks website or via our telephone helpline numbers, which are 02891821721 and 02891820341.

The Royal Victoria Hospital Emergency Department has launched a new website to help support young people with a wide range of issues they might be experiencing, including mental health, drugs and alcohol, problems at home and bullying. It is hoped that the website will offer young people the options of accessing support services in their home and community before they reach a crisis point. The site launched a week ago and is already very successful. Watch the video to find out more about how the website was developed and how it hopes to help. You can access the website at: www.youngpeopleni.org

Barnardos: See. Hear. Respond: Emotional well-being service Funded by DE, the aim of this service is to provide immediate support that children and young people need, to help them manage current challenges and prevent problems escalating to crisis level during the Covid pandemic.
They can also be referred by professionals.
They have also developed a new section of the Childline website, that is specifically aimed at children aged 12 and under, called the Buddy Zone, which contains helpful advice, games and tools for reflection and expression, as well as the Calm Zone which children can use is they’re feeling stressed, angry or upset.
As always – the HELPline remains open through the extended mid-term break 02895 985590.
Inclusive Digital Safety HUB.
SWGfL and Internet Matters have developed a really good hub to equip and empower professionals, parents and carers who support vulnerable children to introduce and develop more understanding about life online. The hub will also include targeted resources and guidance that have been specifically designed for parents, carers or professionals who are looking for online safety advice to support a child with SEND, who are care-experienced or who identifies as LGBTQ+
Made For More are continuing to work hard to help support and resource schools across Northern Ireland. Please find below several options available to you that will help improve the mental health and well-being of pupils. You can also visit our newly designed website that has a number of resources available for you to access.
This link will take you to a 5 part video series that focuses on the ‘5-Steps’ to improve your mental health.